Friday, April 24, 2009


Visualisers is a remarkable presentation equipment specially designed to display documents and 3-D objects onto a plasma screen, television, projector or monitor. It is used for developing teaching ideas in class rooms, Training hall, school, colleges and universities.
Visualisers is a smart and powerful presentation equipment for education in class rooms in schools, lecture halls in colleges and universities, in science laboratories, for business presentations and video conferencing applications, for dental surgeries, nursing homes, clinics, hospital and Medical colleges. Also useful in the courtroom as the judge can observe pieces of evidence in detail without handling the actual evidence.
Visualisers can be used as document cameras can use to copy pages of old books without breaking the spines on books in Libraries and museums by taking and saving.
Later these devices can be used in conjunction with Genee Power Board, Genee Class Screen, Genee Slate and Genee Class Comm (Interactive Response System) to make the teaching or presentation equipment more interactive and interesting.